HealthTech - EHR
Canvas Medical is a healthcare platform for primary care practices.
Build, develop, and support essential core functionalities and components of the Canvas platform for value-driven healthcare and electronic medical records.
Glazed has made significant contributions to the engineering culture at Canvas Medical, setting a high standard for performance and accountability. Glazed's involvement has enabled the development of a differentiated patient experience. Now, Canvas customers can concentrate their product development and operational resources on what is most important to their patients, while Canvas manages the complexities of compliance and EMR workflows such as diagnosis, prescription, laboratory order placement, referrals, and healthcare data integration.
• Developed and created essential modules and features within the Canvas solution. • Built the data integration module to incorporate unstructured data into clinical data models, prioritizing the reliability that such a system demands. • Developed the Population Health module, which is used to provide care for patients at scale and leverages clinical quality protocols to generate automated messaging campaigns to support clinical outcomes. • Successfully underwent EMR certification. • Unified the RCM and payments platform, making it programmable with SDKs and extensible with a FHIR-based API.
We've worked with Glazed for years and have been continuously impressed by their software engineering talent. They’ve integrated seamlessly into our teams and play an important role in our product development.
Andrew Hines
Canvas CEO